I am only a recent convert to the Blackberry, but I already love it. There are so many convenient tools that help me use my time better. But I know that my family was really reluctant for me to switch to the Blackberry because of the many demands on my time when I am not at home. Using some software tools to help keep family in the mix with your Blackberry can really help keep you better in balance between work, friends and family.
1. Blackberry Unite!
Blackberry Unite! is a free program offered by Blackberry which will allow family members with a Blackberry to share calendars, photos, music and more on the go. For example, you can search your partner's calendar and that of the kids to find an open time for family activities. You can also set a reminder on your family members' Blackberry to go off to remind them of an important event. This is a great tool if you and members of your family are all Blackberry users.
Manufacturer's Site
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2. WhereRYu?
I love this program. If your kids' Blackberry is gps enabled (and most are), you can use the software to find their whereabouts. You just send an email with the subject "WhereRYu?" and the phone's location will be returned to you on Google Maps. You can add trusted users to the whitelist and then they can be given your coordinates, so it only works with users you add. Put it on your phones and your family members' phones and you will always be able to find one another.
Vendor's Site
3. Total Fitness for Blackberry
This is one of the best health and nutrition trackers I have seen for Blackberry. This program will track your food intake, weight and exercise. It has its own database of over 5,000 food items that will meet the need of most dads. It helps you create a weight loss program and will track your progress along the way.
Vendor's Site
4. MobiPocket Reader
One of the easiest book readers ever, MobiPocket lets you select from a huge variety of e-books that can be downloaded to your Blackberry. It is also a pretty universal standard for downloading classic books, scriptures and other resources.
Manufacturer's Site
5. Baby FollowUp for Blackberry
For dads who like keeping track of the progress of their adorable baby, this is the software for you. You can track baby's growth, health, vaccinations, and feeding. Ans you can keep a journal of all the cute things your baby does along the way

6. Travel Mate for Blackberry
If you travel for work or pleasure, this program is a must have for your Blackberry. You can enter your travel plans and details, generate checklists, find a fact sheet for the country you are visiting, and convert currency based on current rates. It integrates with your calendar and other software, and works well to help you track your travel plans.
Vendor's Site
7. Home Inventory for Blackberry
This little Blackberry program lets you manage your home inventory on your device. You can track your net worth, all your personal property (along with warranty information) and serial numbers, and your valuable data and entertainment equipment. In case there is every a theft or loss, you can document fully what was taken or lost.
Vendor's Site
8. Tank Ace 1944 for BlackBerry
I know it is hard to pick games for people. Everyone has different tastes,. But I think that war games appeal of many men, and Tank Ace 1944 is a good one. You command a World War II tank charging on the enemy (you can pick whether you are an Allied or German tank operator). You may have to stop or divert to get supplies from the locals. The graphics are good and the play is entertaining
Vendor's Site
9. AI Checkers
This checkers game is a lot of fun playing against your Blackberry. It might even be more fun for your kids to play while you are waiting at the doctor's office or in line at the store.
10. Hangman For BlackBerry
Another good game to entertain the kids. This is the classic Hangman converted to Blackberry. You can play in the following categories: U.S. Capitals, U.S. Presidents, Chemistry, Sports...and more!

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